Tea and Talk
Serena est Australienne de langue maternelle anglaise et vit en France depuis 2019. Elle est titulaire d’une qualification TEFL (Enseignement de l’Anglais comme Langue Etrangère) et a une grande expérience pour aider les gens à parler anglais avec confiance.
Vous êtes invité à participer aux conversations variées sur des sujets tels que la culture, l’actualité, la langue et tout autre sujet dont vous aimeriez discuter, bien que nous essayions généralement d’éviter la politique et la religion. Ce groupe est destiné aux personnes qui sont plutôt à l’aise en anglais et qui souhaitent s’entraîner à parler dans un environnement sûr et détendu.
2025 : 9/1 – 23/1 – 6/2 – 20/2 – 20/3 – 3/4 – 17/4 – 22/5

Serena is a native English speaker from Australia who has been living in France since 2019. She holds a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) qualification and has many years experience helping people speak English with confidence.
You’re invited to join a series of wide-ranging conversations covering topics such as culture, current events, language and anything else you might enjoy discussing, though we usually try to steer clear of politics and religion. This group is intended for people who are fairly comfortable speaking English and who would like to practice speaking in a safe and relaxed environment.
The dates for our next meetings:
2024 : 3/10 – 17/10 -14/11 – 28/11 – 12/12
2025 : 9/1 – 23/1 – 6/2 – 20/2 – 20/3 – 3/4 – 17/4 – 22/5
Tea and Talk
Serena est Australienne de langue maternelle anglaise et vit en France depuis 2019. Elle est titulaire d’une qualification TEFL (Enseignement de l’Anglais comme Langue Etrangère) et a une grande expérience pour aider les gens à parler anglais avec confiance.
Vous êtes invité à participer aux conversations variées sur des sujets tels que la culture, l’actualité, la langue et tout autre sujet dont vous aimeriez discuter, bien que nous essayions généralement d’éviter la politique et la religion. Ce groupe est destiné aux personnes qui sont plutôt à l’aise en anglais et qui souhaitent s’entraîner à parler dans un environnement sûr et détendu.
2025 : 9/1 – 23/1 – 6/2 – 20/2 – 20/3 – 3/4 – 17/4 – 22/5
Le groupe de discussion « Tea & Talk » est destiné à un public plutôt à l’aise en Anglais.

Serena is a native English speaker from Australia who has been living in France since 2019. She holds a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) qualification and has many years experience helping people speak English with confidence.
You’re invited to join a series of wide-ranging conversations covering topics such as culture, current events, language and anything else you might enjoy discussing, though we usually try to steer clear of politics and religion. This group is intended for people who are fairly comfortable speaking English and who would like to practice speaking in a safe and relaxed environment.
The dates for our next meetings:
2024 : 3/10 – 17/10 -14/11 – 28/11 – 12/12
2025 : 9/1 – 23/1 – 6/2 – 20/2 – 20/3 – 3/4 – 17/4 – 22/5

Tea and Talk is the brainchild of BABEL founder member, Su Johnson, who thought that members might appreciate a chance to talk about things in English in an informal setting.
So, for many years now, a group has been meeting every other Thursday afternoon for two hours during the BABEL year to discuss a wide range of subjects. We try to steer clear of politics and religion but find we have lots to talk about, in any case.
There are a number of members who come quite regularly but each year there are new people. This is not a formal class. Tea and Talk simply gives you, the members, the opportunity to talk in English about a wide variety of topics, as and when you want. Usually we have about 6-8 people present.
The level of English really is irrelevant, although this is probably not ideal for beginners – a desire to participate is what is really important.
Tea is provided by BABEL – and we take it in turn to bring biscuits.
If this idea interests you, come along – as for all BABEL activities, there is no charge for your first experience. If you come back a second time then we will ask you for 50€ (for the WHOLE year), in addition to the BABEL registration fee.
The class takes place on :
Thursday : 14h30 – 16h30